iPhone 5 Support Update

While the test versions of the app work quite happily on both the iPhone 5 and the iPhone 3G and earlier it seems that the App Store version can’t have that luxury unfortunately. At some point soon I’ll need to make a final decision on how to handle it but my current thinking is that I may create a new version of MobiSquirt on the App store that will support legacy hardware and iOS versions while at the same time allowing the “main” app to take advantage of the latest and greatest iOS developments. Of the current user base of around 800 active users there are 10 users that have devices that don’t support iOS 4.3 and later according to the analytics.

Going down the legacy app route will have the advantage that, when and if I can no longer update the legacy version at least the legacy version will remain on the App Store should an older device need a factory reset or similar and lose the app.

The next App Store release will not support iPhone 5 natively as I want to get the RPM fix out while I pontificate further and see how other developers handle the iPhone 5/iPhone 3G problem.