As a side project I’ve been playing around with the possibilities for a cheap WiFi adaptor to support the app, as an alternative to Bluetooth. This has been bubbling away for a while now but today I finally got to spend some more time on it and have a simple working prototype that allows the WiFi module to be configured via a web interface, including password protection, baud rates, WiFi access point name. You can also get it to connect to another WiFi network.
I’ve tested this against MS1 and MS1/Extra and all seems well so I’ve updated/created the user manual pages with details on how to build this adapter. I’ve also had it running with MS2/Extra now without any issues.
I have a microsquirt which runs ms2 extra firmware. I built the wifi adapter according to the build instructions but had to add a voltage regulator because the microsquirt doesnt send voltage through the cable. I got the nodemcu broadcasting using esplink 3.0.14. When I connect to it with mobisquirt, the led flashes while the app is trying connect. The problem is it never does. I don’t know if its even possible for any of this to work on the microsquirt, but it was cheap enough to give it a try. If you cold point me in the right direction or let me know if its even possible it would greatly appreciated.
Can you confirm the firmware version number you are using, MS2x should work but I’ve had reports of issues with some firmware versions that I’m looking into.
Sorry for the much delayed response. It’s version ms2/extra 3.4.2. The link does work on my tablet.
Hi, there looks to be an issue with later versions of MS2/Extra, I’m working on a fix as part of the new ini parsing code that should resolve the problem.